2010. Five hospitals were visited, 80 health professionals participated in photography workshops. 1688 moments were recorded, and a selection of these images was displayed in exhibitions mounted in hospitals. These photos reveal the delicacy, poetry and sensitivity of photographers.
After three years, I talk about this again, in order to maintain this theme always in focus: to speak about the human condition, to seek their encounters, to insist in understanding what drives human relationships. Today, we have a reunion of these professionals here, many of whom have been working positevely for 30 years in public hospitals, which, despite many efforts, often lack resources, medicines, beds. Yet, they tell us stories about bonds, personal efforts to take care not only of the bodies but also of the dignity of patients. Their stories deserve to be told by those anonimous heroes, who do not circulate in headlines newspapers and magazines, but who even so make the History of Health in our country.
The workshops were the result of an agreement between Clowndoctors and the State Department of Health. They complied with two aims: on one hand, we prepared theather groups to go into the hospitals and to bring culture into that environment. On the other hand, we performed workshops using clown´s language, in which I worked with Thais Ferrara, and Janaina Forteza made the photos. An encounter between artists and health professionals, both in contact with the same elements to care for their patients: looking, listening, reading about what what happens around them and interacting.
The idea of working with photography was actually a search for these keys, a way to talk about everyday life, about the environment in which theyworked, about themselves. We taught the basic tecniques of photography; then, they visited places rarely inhabited in their work at the hospital. The camera acted as an strategy to create new perspectives about daily life, to capture sensibilities, moments that often are unnoticed due to the urgency of tasks. Afterwards, together, we selected images and organized them according to themes: passages, solitude, care, colous…
In each hospital, an exhibition was mounted. In the hallway, dining rooms, entrance, wherever the hospital structure allowed. Places with great movement of patients and other professionals. The exhibition also was a way of telling again the storylives of those places, um invitation to passers to experience, through the lens of photographers, a sensitive touch with their daily life.
One of the most beautiful stages of this process was the possibility that these professionals had to be photigraphed by Janaina on ther second day of clown´s workshop. We started the photography workshop with the photos she had made in the previous workshop, using these images to speak about the photographic process. There, we saw not only shadows, lights, frameworks, but also faces carved by the photographic sensibility, valued at their strength, higlighted in their delicacies, a care to caregiver. A moment in which they could see themselves from new angles; angles we all seek: individuality, dignity, gratitude, humanity
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