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EFHCO 2015

What to talk of this journey?

A double opportunity to extend my look at the clown’s role in the world.

First of all through the visit to CliniClowns Organization in the Netherlands, the dream of all clowns organizations. A space graced with the dimensions of an old factory used for repair trains and now has been revitalized. Inside the huge shed visited a studio where artists work at a distance with sick children and the School of Clowns, a fully interactive home where the child, along with her family, can understand how the clown studies to become masters of their craft.

The second opportunity came through the annual meeting of EFHCO – European Federation Clown Hospital Organizations – which, along with other members of HCRIN – Healthcare Clown Research International Network – we were able to present two ongoing research (Backstage of the Clowning Hospital and International Mapping Organizations clowns) and talk about Healthcare Clowning International Meeting 2016 to be held in Lisbon.

Europe is experiencing a historical moment. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the arrival of war refugees marks a profound stage of reflection on humanity that crosses us. A Europe divided between accommodate or not accommodate this large number of people who want to restart their lives. This was also the subject of the meeting of EFHCO. The great encouragement in working in a humanitarian organization is that the question is not welcome or not welcome them. The only question is: how to welcome?

As the only non European in the meeting I see in this question an opportunity also to think about the integration of the diversity of performances of clowns groups in hospitals worldwide. So we can work in the dream to see born, one day, the IFHCO- International Hospital Federation Clown Organizations.

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Studio talked about in text

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Photo of CliniClowns headquarters

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                  The house of CliniClowns clown

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