This girl lost her mother during the war. In the courtyard of the orphanage she drew her with chalk and laid down on one lap that no longer exists, leaving out the sandals in sign of respect , as it tells the oriental culture when entering in a holy place. Love makes the other sacred.
What’s important to be said
The lecture of the 19th for the people interested in the Madalegria program was a challenge. It’s always, for me, public speaking. We get in front of a stage, microphone in hand, counting 20 years of history. Me and Thais Ferrara, my clown partner in these presentations, 40 years of stories with clowns joining our stories. And always the question:…
Humanized looks
2010. Five hospitals were visited, 80 health professionals participated in photography workshops. 1688 moments were recorded, and a selection of these images was displayed in exhibitions mounted in hospitals. These photos reveal the delicacy, poetry and sensitivity of photographers. After three years, I talk about this again, in order to maintain this theme always in focus: to speak about the…
A stab in the heart
One of my daughter´s friends, whom I´ll call W. here, 15 years, was stabbed into his neck when his backpack was stolen. It happened on a Sunday, about 9PM, on the sands of Ipanema Beach. I´m sure each one of you knows a similar or worse story, told by friends, relatives or suffered by yourselves. Anyway, I´ll tell it again, avoiding the sensationalist journalistic athmosphere…
In honor of the clown’s day
ilustrartion: Martha Barros “I grew up playing on the floor among ants. My childhood was free and without comparisons. I was in communion with things rather than in comparison. When one speaks from the stage of childhood, one creates communion: a dew and its spider, an afternoon and its herons, a bird and its tree.” Manoel de Barros
A flag planted on the church tower
Monte San Giusto, a small town in Italy, decides to hoist a flag in its streets. The flag is not white, it is red, shaped as a big nose of a clown, embracing the church´s tower well above its clock. This is a joyful flag set below God and beyond time. Everyone prepares himself for this feast that lasts…