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A Place To Put Flowers

Morgana Masetti She was Sofia in the eyes of Chilean director Rodrigo Sepúlveda, Bernarda Gallardo in newspaper news. Carried the names of some mothers silenced in their sufferings. One of the many women in an adoption row: first child for Sofia of the movies and third to Bernarda. A life that is repeated in daily actions: a schoolteacher in the…

EFHCO 2015

What to talk of this journey? A double opportunity to extend my look at the clown’s role in the world. First of all through the visit to CliniClowns Organization in the Netherlands, the dream of all clowns organizations. A space graced with the dimensions of an old factory used for repair trains and now has been revitalized. Inside the huge…


Healthcare Clowning International Meeting 2016

It is with great enthusiasm that I am collaborating as Operation Red Nose group at the International Congress organization that will take place in Lisbon next year. A meeting that promises to strengthen our ties with values that feed the work of the clown in health, build professionalism, spread knowledge and develop collaborative international networks for the future of this…

Portugal Experience – June 2015

Magnetize The most valuable gift that brought in my suitcase back from the trip to Portugal was a catch of kitchen towels, a small gift from Susana Caires who hosted us on the days we were in Puerto north of Lisbon. A magnetized object of affection and total availability of Susana that kept him out of one of the cabinet…

The War Routine.

Under pressure, the war routine of a Brazilian doctor (2014, Foz Publisher, Rio de Janeiro) is Marcio Maranhão’s book, in deposition to the journalist Karla Monteiro, that talks about his routine as a surgeon working in Rio de Janeiro’s hospitals. His reports didn’t gained me less through the striking facts that build the daily life of a doctor that works…

III National Clowns Meeting: some reflections

Some reflections that I’ve shown at the III National Clowns Meeting that happened o November 20, 21, 22 and 23 in São Paulo. Brazil’s located in the world map on this activity and we need to, increasingly, become aware of that. I’ve showed initial data of a research that mapped clown activity on hospitals worldwide realized by the organizations Doutores…

A meeting hosted by Florence’s spirit.

Florence hosted the Renascence, one of the most effervescent times of humanity that soughtthe integration of all the knowledge’s build to understand the world. A time that elevated the artist to the divine and conjured beauty and science; the inspiring spirit of this city was opportune scenery for the meeting of scientists and clowns on the I International Conference on…

A window to look.

Due to the preparations of my speech for the I Ibero American Congress of Therapeutic Recreation in Pediatric Oncology at Porto, Portugual. I’ve had the challenge to speak 15 minutes through skype about a pedagogy based on the eyes of the clown and directed to medical students. The work in this last years with the Doutores da Alegria School generated…

With you, Suzana Caires

Susana Caires, coordinator of the research group Is Laughter the Best Medicine? at University of Minho, Portugal. Dear all, I have the pleasure to share with you the links corresponding to Morgana’s two main publications regarding hospital clowning: – Clowns solutions: transforming hospitals’ reality ( – Ethics of Joy ( Both of them (but I would say, specially the “Ethics of joy”)…

Morgana Masetti’s book now in english

My books ” Ethics of Joy in the Hospital Context ” and ” Clowns’ Solutions – Changes in hospital Reality” now have an English edition, which is being to be sold by Amazon for Kindles . This fact brings me a great happiness because it puts me in dialogue with other realities in the world where the equation “clown x…