I am sharing the enthusiasm of being in the intensive course of Narrative Medicine, here at the Institute of Bioethics of the Catholic University of Porto, in Portugal. This is a body of knowledge that values and instrumentalizes narratives and communicational practices between those who suffer and those who help. The doctor develops not only the techniques, but the sensitivity…
Our “brand” is in transition
Our “brand” is in transition, adapting to the times, like anything else that’s alive and breathing. The “backstage” now becomes a protagonist: the “Ethics of the Encounter” is taking on my role, my name and all of my “inheritance” from 35 years of studying and becoming Morgana Masetti. Far from the ego, this change carries a purpose: a strategy for…
TED x Niterói
I enthusiastically accepted the invitation to participate in @tedxniteroi which, on 12/18, discussed the theme of “UNFORESEEABLE. Transforming the future.” There, we reflected on the unpredictability under the umbrella of health; improvisation as a source of grace; the power that vulnerability exerts on us. I have narrated my story as a guiding thread for approaching these points of view. The…
Research: For what and why?
Research: For what and why? About the knowledge generation What motivates the organization to do research? What is the question that guides the need to develop knowledge? It is a question that leads outwards (to show the results of the activity to the world) or inwards (further developing the organization). How does the organization relate to the theme of Knowledge…
A Piece of life
A piece of life A piece of my life is online. It’s called a thesis. I went to look at the meaning of this word to better understand how I would create and write this work. I found defining words, such as: affirmation, proposition, work to be defended. The thesis Ethics of the Encounter, defended in December 2018, is first…
The Importance of Voices
Experiences narrated by patients about their healing processes are at the service of humanization and health. Learn more about this project.
Voices – Health Narratives
After many years of studying and a serious accident, which forced me into a long period of hospitalization, I was motivated into this current phase of the “Encounter”. It is with great pleasure and joy that “Voices Projects – narratives about health”, our YouTube channel, will bring together collaborative stories from many (former) patients about their hospital experiences. The idea…
Channel Launch
How can we create a narrative opportunity for multiple languages to discuss health processes? In the terrain where patients walk in hospitals, their rooms full of equipment and technology that witness these silent experiences. In general, what is narrated by the patient will have a place of scientific record that will be rearticulated within an organized medical expression plan.
A Dive Into the Theme of Meeting Ethics
This is the text from a life that goes on. After 34 years researching health processes and the impact of the relationships between the professionals and patients in health development, on February 1, 2017 life led me to intensely experience these issues in the skin of a patient.
Book Is Laughter the best medicine?
Dears, The Healthcare Clowning International Meeting held in Lisbon from 21 to 23 March this year, had amazing results that will digest over the coming months. Stay tuned on the link below, soon you can access all the material of the presentations and what was discussed, thanks to a team that took care of the entire registry of the Congress….
Printed Version of Ethics of Joy in English
Is now available the printed version of my book The Ethics of Joy in English. You can purchase the book by requesting via email on blog.morganamasetti@gmail.com
Project “Rir é o melhor remédio?”
It is with great honor that I invite you to follow the results of the project “Rir é o melhor remédio?” conducted by the University of Minho, that I had the opportunity to work as a collaborator . The session will take place on March 21 on the occasion of the Healthcare Clowning International Meeting. See you there! Check the…