My book “Good Blends” was launched in 2003 and is now out of print reissued by Editora MMD by the name of “Ethics of Joy in the hospital context”. Since 2003, many possibilities opened up the world of book publishing : the on-demand publishing and eBook decreased production costs, reverting to the reader a lower cover price and greater agility to get what you want.
With these new publishing forms the person interested in reading my work can order via the web and receive the printed book in three days. And why a new name ? Working with a piece of work is to look in the mirror and see how young and alive alive the words remain, the ideas, the proposal.
The book is always unfinished. Always finds a better chance to say, scoring, wipe, to clarify thoughts to connect with the reader. This was the exercise that I made for this release. I was happy with what I saw in the mirror. This book is more relevant today than it was in 2003. More necessary in a world that every day gets more technological and more illiterate for human relationships . We can not stop saying certain things, in spite of all that may have already been counted. We must always speak of the human condition, occupy efforts to unravel this complex, fragile, articulated, mysterious nature. We must insist on understanding what drives the relationships. Discovered, over the years , this book does not speak to those who seek what is right or wrong . He proposes an “ethics of encounter”, a way to see what’s around, to see the other . It is a philosophy of life to a world that needs to learn to live with differences of race, class, religions. Therefore, ethics.
She moves in to take care of the challenges of our times. What guides us ethically? I propose the ethics of joy. Unlike laugh without commitment, the fleeting happiness, speak of the joy of the celebration of life in its power, the best we have , what moves us and print our powerful action. As humans are exposed by our emotions that flow through the eyes at each meeting . Taking care of this nature is talking about the Ethics of Joy in the hospital context. A name and a depth to reach.
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